100% Free Guide to Passing the LEED Green Associate Exam

100% Free Guide to Passing the LEED Green Associate Exam

  1.  Watch this Intro Video 

This will give you a general idea of key concepts to study and the test overall

  1.  Green CE FREE Prep Course  
  • Complete all modules 
  • IMPORTANT: Complete all 3 Practice Quizzes and study the questions you missed

Do not be discouraged if you do not score high on the practice quizzes, I failed all of them and then passed the actual test. These questions help you get an understanding for what’s on the exam.

  1. Additional 30 Practice Questions 
  1. My Handwritten Notes 

These are the personal notes I took on my iPad. They are high-level but cover the broad categories and concepts featured on the exam. They are based on the GreenCE modules. I highly suggest handwriting your own notes as well. 

  1. My Annotated Study Guide 

This provides you a high-level view of all the LEED Credit Categories and their associated requirements. 

  1. Use pre-made Quizlet sets – these are my favorites!

Go through these practice flashcards, Many people have made sets and you can just use this as additional prep

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